Danger Asbestos Slider


M&S Environmental provides Asbestos testing in eastern Massachusettes. We recognize that environmental hazards can be a danger to our communities and our families. Our client’s health and safety is our top priority. We are professionally trained, insured, licensed and only use the most tried and tested technology.


Until the mid 1970s, Asbestos was often used in insulation, ceilings and other building materials for both homes and commercial properties. It is quite possible that these materials are in poor shape and releasing fibers into the air, producing a potential health risk and cause for alarm. Asbestos exposure has been linked to severe, damaging health issues, including cancer and must be handled properly.

Before you purchase a home, or if you are concerned about your existing home, have it tested for materials containing Asbestos. If Asbestos is found, removing it by a professional contractor specializing in Asbestos abatement is a sound practice. Our team can inspect for Asbestos and provide the necessary tools and information so you may move forward with making your home a safe and healthy place.


Testing for Asbestos most often occurs just before your list your property for sale and also at the time of a renovation / construction.  Asbestos containing materials are typically disturbed during construction or demolition, and as they weaken with age, the risk of exposure becomes high.

Asbestos Is Most Commonly Found In:

  • Floor Tile
  • Ceiling Tile
  • Popcorn Ceilings
  • Pipe Insulation
  • Insulation
  • Roof Shingles
  • Siding
  • Joint Compound
  • Wall Covering
  • Mastics



  • 8AM – 5PM Monday – Friday